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HTTP target

Sends events over HTTP to external services.

With tmctl:

tmctl create target http --endpoint <endpoint> --method <method>

On Kubernetes:

kind: HTTPTarget
  name: triggermesh-http
  namespace: mynamespace
    eventType: triggermesh.http.type
  endpoint: '<SOME-KEY>'
  method: 'GET'
  skipVerify: false
  caCertificate: |-
    -----END CERTIFICATE-----
  basicAuthUsername: myuser
      name: myservice
      key: password
    User-Agent: TriggerMesh-HTTP
    Some-header: some-value
  • response.eventType event type for the response message. Mandatory
  • response.eventSource event source for the response message. Mandatory
  • endpoint URL including path and querystring for the remote HTTP service. Mandatory
  • method verb for the HTTP rquest. Mandatory
  • skipVerify to skip remote server TLS certificate verification. Optional
  • caCertificate CA certificate configured for TLS connection. Optional
  • basicAuthUsername basic authentication user name. Optional
  • basicAuthPassword secret reference to basic authentication password. Optional
  • headers string map of key/value pairs as HTTP headers. Optional

Requests from this HTTP Target will verify TLS certificates from the remote server if present. If the CA certificate at the server is self-signed, the public certificate needs to be added to the configuration, or alternatively mark the Skip Verify option.

The HTTP Target expects an event whose attributes complement the Target parameters.

There is no requirement regarding the type header value.

The data attribute can contain the following optional JSON attributes:

Field Description Example
query_string Key/value pairs formatted as query string name=jane&lastname=doe
path_suffix Will be appended to the target's path apparel/tshirts
body String to be set as the request body {\"size\":\"L\",\"color\":\"beige\"}

Below are two examples of values for the data attribute:

{"path_suffix":"world/italy/cities", "query_string":"top=10&format=csv"}

If body is a JSON structure, it will need to be stringified:

{"body": "{\"records\":[{\"value\":{\"this\":{\"is\": \"sparta\"}}}]}"}

Responses from external HTTP endpoints are converted into CloudEvents and sent as a reply to the TriggerMesh Broker. It is important that the HTTP Target only be sent very specific event types, and carefuly handles response event types, so as to avoid events loops in which the response from the external HTTP service is reprocessed by the HTTP Target.

As an example:

  • We configure an HTTP Target to integrate with Workday.
  • A Trigger sends events of type calendar.pto.request to the HTTP Target.
  • The response from Workday will generate a CloudEvent of type workday.pto.response and source workday.instance1.

As long as the Trigger for the HTTP Target is only reacting to events of type calendar.pto.request, the we're guaranteed that responses from Workday won't be sent straight back to Workday.

See the Kubernetes object reference for more details.

Tutorial: COVID-19 stats

We will configure an HTTP target that can use the COVID-19 API. Then we will use it to gather information about the world total stats.

Create the HTTP Target pointing to the COVID-19 API:

kind: HTTPTarget
  name: corona
  namespace: mynamespace
    eventType: covid.stats
  endpoint: ''
  method: 'GET'

The target will expose an internal URL that can be retrieved using the Kubernetes API.

$ kubectl get -n mynamespace
NAME                        URL                                                                     READY   REASON   AGE
corona   http://httptarget-corona-mynamespace.default.svc.cluster.local   True             5d5h

Run an ephemeral curl container passing the command CloudEvent parameters that will be adding the path suffix to the endpoint that returns the world total stats for the service.

$ kubectl run --generator=run-pod/v1 curl-me --image=curlimages/curl -ti --rm -- \
  -v -X POST http://httptarget-corona.mynamespace.svc.cluster.local \
  -H "content-type: application/json" \
  -H "ce-specversion: 1.0" \
  -H "ce-source: curl-triggermesh" \
  -H "ce-type: my-curl-type" \
  -H "ce-id: 123-abc" \
  -d '{"path_suffix":"world/total"}'


Tutorial: Calendarific country calendar

We will configure an HTTP target that uses Calendarify to retrieve wordlwide holidays.

Create a Calendarific account and retrieve an API key.

Create the HTTP Target using the API key:

kind: HTTPTarget
 name: calendarific
 namespace: mynamespace
    eventType: calendarific.holidays
  endpoint: ''
  method: 'GET'

Retrieve the internal URL.

$ kubectl get -n mynamespace
NAME                        URL                                                                     READY   REASON   AGE
calendarific  http://httptarget-calendarific-mynamespace.default.svc.cluster.local   True             5d5h

Run an ephemeral curl container passing the command CloudEvent parameters that will be adding the querystring to return the US holidays for 2021.

$ kubectl run --generator=run-pod/v1 curl-me --image=curlimages/curl -ti --rm -- \
  -v -X POST http://httptarget-calendarific.mynamespace.svc.cluster.local \
  -H "content-type: application/json" \
  -H "ce-specversion: 1.0" \
  -H "ce-source: curl-triggermesh" \
  -H "ce-type: my-curl-type" \
  -H "ce-id: 123-abc" \
  -d '{"query_string":"country=US&year=2020"}'
