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Memory Broker

Memory Broker is the simplest Broker implementation provided by TriggerMesh and is used by default by tmctl. The Redis Broker provides event durability and is used by default with TriggerMesh on Kubernetes.

With tmctl:

tmctl create broker <broker name>

On Kubernetes:

kind: MemoryBroker
  name: <broker instance name>
    bufferSize: <maximum number of events>
    port: <HTTP port for ingesting events>
      valueFromConfigMap: <kubernetes ConfigMap that contains observability configuration>

The only MemoryBroker specific parameter is spec.memory.bufferSize which indicates the available size of the internal queue that the broker manages. When the maximum number of items is reached, new ingest requests will block and might eventually time out. This parameter is optional and defaults to 10000.

The section contains generic Broker parameters:

  • that the Broker service will be listening at. Optional, defaults to port 80.
  • can be set to the name of a ConfigMap at the same namespace that contains observability settings (documentation coming soon). This parameter is optional.

Getting Started guide with the Memory Broker on Kubernetes

In this introduction tutorial we are going to setup a MemoryBroker with a Trigger that sends events to a Target endpoint, and if the delivery faisl to a Dead Letter Sink endpoint.


This guide uses 2 TriggerMesh components:

  • MemoryBroker, which uses ephemeral memory to store events and routes them via Triggers.
  • Trigger, which subscribes to events and push them to your targets.

Events must conform to CloudEvents spec using the HTTP binding.

Create a MemoryBroker named demo.

kubectl apply -f

Wait until the MemoryBroker is ready. It will inform in its status of the URL where events can be ingested.

kubectl get memorybroker demo

NAME   URL                                                        AGE   READY   REASON
demo   http://demo-mb-broker.default.svc.cluster.local   10s   True

To be able to use the broker we will create a Pod that allow us to send events inside the Kubernetes cluster.

kubectl apply -f

It is possible now to send events to the broker address by issuing curl commands. The response for ingested events must be an HTTP 200 which means that the broker has received it and will try to deliver them to configured triggers.

kubectl exec -ti curl -- curl -v http://demo-mb-broker.default.svc.cluster.local/ \
    -X POST \
    -H "Ce-Id: 1234-abcd" \
    -H "Ce-Specversion: 1.0" \
    -H "Ce-Type: demo.type1" \
    -H "Ce-Source: curl" \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -d '{"test1":"no trigger configured yet"}'

Unfortunately we haven't configured any trigger yet, which means any ingested event will not be delivered. event_display is a CloudEvents consumer that logs to console the list of events received. We will be creating 2 instances of event_display, one as the target for consumed events and another one for the Dead Letter Sink. A Dead Letter Sink, abbreviated DLS is a destination that consumes events that a subscription was not able to deliver to the intended target.

# Target service
kubectl apply -f

# DLS service
kubectl apply -f

The Trigger object configures the broker to consume events and send them to a target. The Trigger object can include filters that select which events should be forwarded to the target, and delivery options to configure retries and fallback targets when the event cannot be delivered.

kubectl apply -f

The Trigger created above filters by CloudEvents containing type: demo.type1 attribute and delivers them to display-target service, if delivery fails it will issue 3 retries and then forward the CloudEvent to the display-deadlettersink service.

Using the curl Pod again we can send this CloudEvent to the broker.

kubectl exec -ti curl -- curl -v http://demo-mb-broker.default.svc.cluster.local/ \
    -X POST \
    -H "Ce-Id: 1234-abcd" \
    -H "Ce-Specversion: 1.0" \
    -H "Ce-Type: demo.type1" \
    -H "Ce-Source: curl" \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -d '{"test 2":"message for display target"}'

The target display Pod will show the delivered event.

kubectl logs -l app=display-target --tail 100

☁️  cloudevents.Event
Validation: valid
Context Attributes,
  specversion: 1.0
  type: demo.type1
  source: curl
  id: 1234-abcd
  datacontenttype: application/json
  triggermeshbackendid: 1666613846441-0
    "test": "value2"

To simulate a target failure we will reconfigure the target display service to make it point to a non existing Pod set:

kubectl delete -f

Any event that pass the filter will try to be sent to the target, and upon failing will be delivered to the DLS.

kubectl exec -ti curl -- curl -v http://demo-mb-broker.default.svc.cluster.local/ \
    -X POST \
    -H "Ce-Id: 1234-abcd" \
    -H "Ce-Specversion: 1.0" \
    -H "Ce-Type: demo.type1" \
    -H "Ce-Source: curl" \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -d '{"test 3":"not delivered, will be sent to DLS"}'
kubectl logs -l app=display-deadlettersink --tail 100

☁️  cloudevents.Event
Validation: valid
Context Attributes,
  specversion: 1.0
  type: demo.type1
  source: curl
  id: 1234-abcd
  datacontenttype: application/json
  triggermeshbackendid: 1666613846441-0
    "test": "value3"

Clean Up

To clean up the getting started guide, delete each of the created assets:

# Removal of display-target not in this list, since it was deleted previously.
kubectl delete -f \,\,\,\