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HTTP Poller event source

This event source makes periodic HTTP requests (acting as an HTTP client) to an external HTTP service, and turns the responses into events.

With tmctl:

tmctl create source httppoller --eventType <type> --method GET --endpoint --interval 20s

On Kubernetes:

kind: HTTPPollerSource
  name: sample
  eventType: weather.alerts/kansas

  method: GET
  interval: 20s

      kind: Broker
      name: default
  • Name: all TriggerMesh components need a unique name per namespace.
  • Broker: request converted into CloudEvents will be sent to this location.
  • EventType: string that identifies the purpose for all CloudEvent messages produced from this source.
  • EventSource: (optional) string that identifies the origin for all CloudEvent messages produced from this source.
  • Enpoint: URL location for the remote service to be polled.
  • Method: HTTP method.
  • Interval: interval between requests formatted as Go duration.
  • CA Certificate: (optional) CA certificate configured for TLS connection as plain text.
  • Skip Verify: (optional) when set to true skips remote server TLS certificate verification.
  • Basic Auth Username: (optional) HTTP basic authentication username.
  • Basic Auth Password (optional) points to a secret that contains the HTTP basic authentication password.
  • Headers (optional) is a set of key/value pairs that will be set within the HTTP request.

Interval is formatted after Go's duration parsing. Most typically this value will contain a number followed by one of "ns", "us" or "µs", "ms", "s", "m", "h". Valid examples are 15000ms or 15s for 15 seconds, 60m or 1h for one hour.

When using CA Certificate it should be copied into the text area in plain text.

Events produced have the following attributes:

  • event-type is set to the source's provided value.
  • event-source is set to the source's provided value.
  • id is set to a generated UID.
  • date is timestamped when generating the CloudEvent at TriggerMesh.

Request response body is used to fill the event payload.

See the Kubernetes object reference for more details.


  • An external system that exposes an HTTP endpoint.
  • When using HTTP basic authentication, a secret containing the password.